Wednesday, September 25, 2013

My Four Dogs : Today's Featured Blog

A Dog's Journey

Today's featured blog is My Four Dogs.

My Four Dogs is a fun and informative blog. Read stories about her four dogs, along with reviews and other things you'll find helpful such as; How To Get Rid of Fleas.

I really enjoyed their latest post about her German Shepherd Lizzie on their canoe trip.

Definitely a blog worth checking out, so don't miss out!

*Maya, if you would like a picture of one of your dogs on here instead of a random pic, please email me one along with who to credit for it.

Image Credit: *-mika-* @ Flickr

Amy @ Talented K9

Learn how I make $50 to $500 a day with this blog by watching this Free Video

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

3mBakery - Home Made Dog Treats

You Bake 'em Dog Biscuits Cookbook

Today we are featuring 3mBakery!

If you enjoy making your own dog treats, you definitely need to check out 3mBakery! They have really nice recipes for you to try, all for free! They also have tips and information to help you keep your dog healthy. Don't miss out on this wonderful blog!

Image Credit: Adinaplus @ Flickr

Amy @ Talented K9

Friday, September 13, 2013

Which Training Method Should I Use?

How to Raise the Perfect Dog: Through Puppyhood and Beyond

How Many Methods Are There?

There are several different kinds of training methods to choose from, I will be mentioning the five basic ones here. I will go over each, but I won't go into too much detail since there is plenty of information over the internet or in books on each one.

I did go over some of these methods a bit already in my post How To Train a Dog That Doesn't Like Food or Toys, but we will touch on them again here.

Method #1 : Clicker Training

Clicker Training is using what they call a 'Marker' to mark the exact moment the dog did what you want. The 'marker' promises a reward, usually a treat or a toy. They call it Clicker Training because they use a little device called a Clicker. When your dog does the right behavior, you click and reward.

Clicker Training is a fun training method to use because you learn to enjoy the process and seeing your dog learn things. It's great to see that light bulb go off in their heads and go Oh! I know what you want, Here! Clicker Training can be very effective, especially if you have a food motivated dog.

If you would like to get started or would like to read more on clicker training, check out; Clicking With Your Dog and Click for Joy!.

Method #2 : Treat Training

Treat Training is a lot like the Clicker Training method. Usually people will still mark the behavior, only they will use Good! or Yes! the second the dog does the right thing. There's not much else to say about this method of training. Use treats to reward good behavior and things you see the dog do that you like.

Method #3 : Balanced Training

The Balanced Training method, is a mixture of using treats when the dog does the right thing, and a correction when the dog does the wrong thing. A corrective type collar is usually used, and to give a correction you give a pop or jerk of the leash.

If you choose to do this method with your dog, be sure to use a training collar and not a regular buckle collar. You will harm your dog's neck much more with a regular buckle collar than you would using what they call a 'Prong Collar' or other type of training collar.

Your dog won't care how many times you 'pop' the leash when wearing the regular buckle collar. You'll still have a dog that won't listen. So, use a Training Collar.

Method #4 : Praise and Correction

Praise and Correction training doesn't require using any treats at all. You can use a toy to reward if your dog is toy motivated, but mostly you just use praise and petting. When your dog does the right thing, you reward with praise, petting, a toss of a toy or a game of tug. You can do all, or just do one at a time. So praise one time, petting the next, a toss of the toy for the 3rd time they performed correctly. Mix it up to keep it interesting.

When the dog doesn't do the correct thing, you give them a correction on a Training Collar. There are many different types of training collars, though the ones I've found to be the easiest on the dog's neck and give the best results are the Herm Springer Prong Collars.

The best program I've found for this type of training, and is well worth your money is Don Sullivan's "Secrets to Traning the Perfect Dog" (LARGE DOG) w Fun Fetch Training Ball

Method #5 : Remote Collar Training

Remote Collar Training can be an excellent method to use when used properly. A Remote Collar should never be used to hurt the dog and if used properly should not hurt the dog at all during training.

You should first find the proper level to use with the dog, most dogs work well at level 1 or 2. Both of these levels don't hurt at all. I know because I've tried it on myself. It feels like a small tapping feeling. It doesn't shock at all. Now if you turn it up, yes it hurts! You should not have a reason to turn it up though. The only time I've seen it needed was in schutzhund training when the dog gets so excited and high in drive that it doesn't feel anything, or during rattlesnake training to train a dog to stay away from them.

Be sure you know how to properly use the remote collar. Get a professional to help you, and watch the videos that should come with your collar.

Remote Collar training will help you get a very reliable dog off leash much faster than any of the other methods. Dogs can become collar smart though, so be sure to let them start wearing the collar days or even a week or two before you begin your training with it. Let them wear it while you're not training. Train and let them wear it, but don't use the remote and get them to listen in other ways. Mix it up. This will result in a dog that listens weather wearing the collar or not.

Or, let them wear it all the time (except at night and when unsupervised), make sure they get a break from it every day to protect their neck from getting sores. The longer they wear it and always have to listen, the better chance of 're-programing' their brains. So it makes things automatic where they don't think about what you've asked at all. This way, when you take the collar off, they just do it no matter what. They've been doing it for so long, they just know exactly what to do.

To sum this up, there are several training methods you can use with your dog, and some I didn't get to mention. Which one should you use with your dog? The one that works best for you and your dog! Some dogs do best with positive reinforcement training. Other dogs could care less since they don't like food or toys and do best with the correction based training or remote collar training. You know your dog best, use what works for both of you.

Don't let other people talk down to you or make you feel guilty for not using positive reinforcement training. There are a lot of these people out there. It's Okay not to use reward based training methods! All methods are effective, and the important part is to have a well behaved dog. A dog that you are happy with and enjoy!

Happy Training!

Image Credit: Kinjengsubmiter @ Flickr

Amy @ Talented K9

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Alfie's Blog : Blog of an Entlebucher Mountain Dog

Today we are featuring Alfie's Blog!

A Dog's Purpose

Alfie is a Entlebucher Mountain Dog who has his own blog. You'll find his blog full of humor and there is always something fun to read. His blog is beautifully done, you can see he put a lot of work into it. You'll find facts about his breed, the Entlebucher Mountain Dog along with Alfie's very own shop where you can get cool things with his picture on them.

Don't miss out on Alfie's Blog!

Image Credit: Alfie's Blog

Amy @ Talented K9

Have a dog related blog you would like me to check out? Post a link to it in the comments below and I'll check it out! Perhaps your blog will be featured next!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Dogs Can Sign Too

Dogs Can Sign, Too: A Breakthrough Method for Teaching Your Dog to Communicate

The other day while looking through books on amazon, I came across this book; Dogs Can Sign Too. I had to do a double look, wait.. what?

That's right, they have figured out how to teach dogs sign language so you can communicate with them. How cool is that!?

I am honestly thinking about ordering Dogs Can Sign Too myself once I have some extra money to do so. It looks really cool and I am very interested to see what it has to say. I already put it on my wish list.

I just found this really neat, and I wanted to share it with you guys. If you'd like to read more, click the link at the top or on the picture and it will take you to it's own page.

Amy @ Talented K9

Friday, September 6, 2013

Pepper's Paws

The Pomeranian Handbook (Barron's Pet Handbooks)

Today we are featuring Pepper's blog Pepper's Paws.

Pepper is a Pomeranian who always has something fun for you to read. She does a lot of pet product reviews, so you'll find her blog very helpful, especially if you have a small dog! Pepper also does occasional giveaways and contests. Be sure to go over and check it out, I hope you find her blog as enjoyable to read as I do.

Image Credit: PepperPom

Amy @ Talented K9

The Pomeranian Handbook

Thursday, September 5, 2013

How To Train a Dog That Doesn't Like Food or Toys

Training a Dog That Doesn't Like Food or Toys can be very frustrating at times, especially if you want to use positive reinforcement training. If you are set on using reward based training, check out my post Motivating a Non-Treat or Toy Motivated Dog

There are some dogs that just don't respond to food or toy based training. Such as the dogs mentioned in the comments of the post linked above.

You're here because your dog doesn't like either food or toys. In fact, you have a hard time seeing anything your dog does like! You see reward based training everywhere, and every time you ask What do I do if my dog doesn't like food or toys you either get no answer, or you get answers just to get you to go away and ask somebody else.

My answer is, try a different Method! It's Okay if you don't train using food or toys.

Now, let's go over the other methods available to you.

How To Train a Dog That Doesn't Like Food or Toys : Praise and Correction

In this method, you don't use food or toys. You simply use petting and praise as a reward for doing the right thing. You always have these with you and it's really easy to do! Dog doesn't like food? No problem!

To teach your dog what you want, you first show them what you want by getting them to do the behavior a few times. (I'm not going to go into detail on how to do this, the link to the system below will show you exactly how to implement this training method. It works very well and is very fast.) Once you know the dog knows what you want, then you add in corrections when they don't do it on the first time you say.

If you would like more information on this system, check out the website to watch videos, read testimonials, and read more about it. See the website Here

I have this system myself and have used it on many dogs. I've gotten very good results every time, and it does happen as fast as they say it does.

Get the Large Dog System here.

How To Train a Dog That Doesn't Like Food or Toys : Remote Collar Training

Our next method available to us if you have a dog that doesn't like food or toys, is Remote Collar Training. When used correctly, these do not hurt the dog and should not be used to hurt your dog. If you're hurting your dog or you see someone else using one of these and they are hurting their dog, you are Using It Wrong!

Remote collars can be an extremely useful tool in training, if you choose this method, please go to someone who knows how to properly use one and can teach you how. The best people I've found that use Remote collar training is Sit Means Sit dog training. This company does amazing things, and no I'm not affiliated with them in any way. I do not get paid to recommend them. I've seen their You Tube Channel and have really liked what I've seen. I highly recommend watching as many of their videos as you can so you can get an idea of what's possible with them. They have trainers all over the place, so be sure to see if there is one close by to you.

Here is a video of one of their off leash classes, it might give you an idea of what you can expect.

Sit Means Sit Dog training will let you use food or toys if you want to or if your dog responds to them, but they are not required.

How To Train a Dog That Doesn't Like Food or Toys : Natural Training

Natural training is using communication your dog understands and use on themselves. No corrective collars, no food or toys. I have honestly not experimented a lot with this type of training but would like to learn more on it. I found this nice website that is all about it, you can see it at Pam Shaw Canine Consultant. He has a DVD available and I think I'm going to order it myself and see what it's all about.

I am sure there is more available on the internet about him and on Natural Dog Training. Do a search for it and see what you can find.

To sum this all up, if you have a Dog That Doesn't Like Food or Toys then throw out the reward based training and try something else! It is Okay! Don't let others make you feel bad because you don't use food or toys with your dog. The important thing is finding something that Works!

I would also like to point out, all of these methods are great even if your dog does like food or toys, but maybe you would like to try a different method.

Food or Toys are great to use during training if your dog finds them rewarding! However, don't get frustrated if your dog has no interest in either. There are plenty of other methods out there that don't use food or toys. I hope I helped you find some that will work for you.

Happy Training!

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Image Credits:
Dobie Pic: Pato_Garza @ Flickr

Amy @ Talented K9

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Snoopy's Dog Blog

Today we are featuring Snoopy! See him at Snoopy's Dog Blog. Told from Snoopy's point of view, you'll find his blog very fun to read. Today is...

Snoopy's Dog Blog

Join him, especially if you're a dog and have your own blog!

Not only does Snoopy have his own blog, but he also has his own book! Snoopy will teach you all about getting into Mischief.

Hi, my name is Snoopy. I’m a Young Bearded Collie Therapy Dog who lives in California. I have what’s called a blue coat and matching blue eyes (you can see when my fur isn't covering them). I thought it would be fun to share my special moments as I grow up, did I mention I like a Little Mischief?! :) I hope you're having a fun day :) Snoopy

Image Credit: Snoopy's Dog Blog

Amy @ Talented K9

Monday, September 2, 2013

Clicker Nerd

Clicker Nerd

I came across this nice blog the other day called Clicker Nerd I wanted to share it with you.

If you are in to clicker training or just enjoy reading about it or seeing dogs doing fun tricks, be sure to check it out!

Each week we will post blogs about articles, research, videos, reviews, trainer biographies…anything related to clicker training that involves all kinds of species. Clicker Nerd

Visit their blog here: Clicker Nerd

Image Source: Andreaarden @ Flickr

Amy @ Talented K9

Saturday, August 31, 2013

How To Calm My Hyper Dog

Fired Up, Frantic, and Freaked Out: Training the Crazy Dog from Over the Top to Under Control

Are you wondering How To Calm Your Hyper Dog? I believe I can help! First, ask yourself why do I have a Hyper Dog? The answer to this is usually, too much pent up energy. With our busy lives, dogs are usually left home for most of the day with nothing to do. They get bored. By the time you get home, they are ready to GO!

This is when they are super excited, jumping all over you, bolting out the door, and most people see this as a Hyper Dog. Wouldn't you be excited and ready to go after a boring day at home with nothing to do? No TV, no Computer, No books to read, nobody to talk to, nothing to play. It would be like sitting in a prison cell all day.

Here are some tips for you to calm your hyper dog.

How To Calm My Hyper Dog : Mental Stimulation

What is Mental Stimulation, and how will this help you calm your hyper dog?

Mental Stimulation is getting your dog to think and work. You can do this through games, Interactive Toys, or Puzzle Toys.

Games can be things like; Hide and Seek or Find It. If you're wondering how to play these games with your dog, ask in the comment section and I'll be happy to teach you.

Interactive toys are toys that you put food or treats in to let your dog work at them to get their food out. Read more about Interactive toys in my article Interactive Dog Toys: Where To Get Them, Good Ways To Use Them

Puzzle Toys are puzzles made specifically for dogs. They come in all different shapes, sizes, and difficulty. You put treats or food in them, then let your dog figure out how to get the treat out. Usually, these toys need you to be supervising while your dog works at them. Dogs may need help getting started with these till they get the hang of it.

All of these will be mentally stimulating and will help tire your dog out. Work their brain and it's a whole different kind of tired. It's the difference between us reading a book or working at a puzzle, or going out and running for 30 minutes. Consider these as giving your dog TV, Books, and computer time.

How To Calm My Hyper Dog : Physical Exercise

How will Physical Exercise help you to calm your hyper dog?

Providing a place for your dog's energy to go is a must. Just like you or your kids, your dog needs to have an outlet for their pent up energy. If you don't provide it, then you get what you've got, a hyper dog.

Here are some ideas to get you going; Walking, Running, Biking, Rollerblading, Fetch, Frisbee, & Swimming.

Anything that gets your dog moving and getting that energy out is going to help you to calm your hyper dog! If you have a place to let them run off leash, this is going to be the best for them. This does NOT include your yard. Your yard is just an extension of your house. It's like being in prison and them letting you out into their yard. Would you feel free? Would you feel satisfied after exercising out there?

How To Calm My Hyper Dog : Training

Training can provide both Mental Stimulation, and Physical Exercise for your hyper dog. If you add in play time such as a tug on a rope, or a quick toss of the ball as a reward, then this would be physical.

Obedience, and tricks will help with the mental stimulation. If you train for Agility, Flyball, or even Bird Dog Hunting, these will all help with physical exercise as well as mental stimulation.

You'll find training and working with your dog to be a huge help in calming your hyper dog! Not only will it help you calm your dog, but it will also help you bond with them too.

So, what have you learned today? Let's recap. Provide your dog with Mental Stimulation, Physical Exercise, and Training. Your Hyper Dog will soon be your Calm Dog!

Enjoy! If you found this blog post helpful, please comment below and share it with your friends.

If you need further help than this post this Book will be beneficial for you and your dog.

Image Credits:
Top Pic - Cobalt123 @ Flickr
Bottom Pic - Stuart'Dootson @ Flickr

Amy @ Talented K9

Friday, August 30, 2013

When To Crate Train Your Puppy

While doing a search for some Talented K9 things, I came across another site that used my article 'Talented K9 Crate Training Tips'. I am happy they thought my article was worthy of posting on their own site. So I wanted to give another thank you and a link back.

Visit them at When To Crate Train Your Puppy

The post was published a while ago, but better late than never right!? They also have some other good tips and articles on there, so it's worth checking out.


Image Source: Commons.wikimedia

Amy @ Talentedk9

Bionic Dog Blog

Yesterday I was checking my squidoo stats and found Bionic Dog Blog had linked to one of my squidoo lenses. I wanted to say Thank you and give a link back to her! If you have a chance, go over and check out Bionic Dog Blog! Be sure to check out their recent posts, looks like they are doing an August contest and giving away a variety of Bionic Toys!

Bionic Dog Blog

Image Source: Commons.wikimedia

Amy @ Talented K9
Earn $100+ a month for free with Bubblew

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Back To Blogging

Hey everyone! Not sure if anyone has been here for a while. I just wanted to let anyone who does stop by know that I am getting back to blogging. I have learned a lot since the last time I blogged, and I hope to do a better job than I did. I will be preparing stuff until September 1st. Once September 1st hits, I hope to be posting at least once every day. I have a lot in store for everyone, so please check back in September! I'll see you then!

Have a wonderful day!

Image Source: Commons.wikimedia

Amy @ Talented K9
Earn $100+ a month for free with Bubblew